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Ticking Away

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Untitled #61

Ticking Away

Posted on Mon 30th Jul, 2007, 7:58pm

ISO: 100, Shutter speed: 30 Seconds, Aperture: f/5.6,
Camera: Canon EOS 20D, Flash: None, Cropping: Minor,
Lens: Canon EF 35mm f/1.4L, Focal length: 35mm,
Captured: 28th July 2007, 10:50pm,

Taken at the wedding reception of our friends, this was meant to be a shot of the dancefloor but because of the long exposure (the room was very dark) the only people visible are those who stayed still. I liked that, somehow.

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Jeannie, Mon 30th Jul, 2007, 8:45pm
Alternative titles: "Degrees of Separation" or "The couple had argued and were too busy sulking to notice the inter-dimensional portal which had opened up between them". Nice capture

Lispfoto, Mon 30th Jul, 2007, 9:26pm
The movement on the guys face has almost turned him into a Dr Who extra. (the scary episode with the WWII gas masks). I like it.

Jon Swainson, Tue 31st Jul, 2007, 10:43am
Reminds me of Poltergeist. Very supernatural and very good.

groovyf, Wed 1st Aug, 2007, 8:48am
It's a very surreal image. 2 people in the image and almost as far apart as they could get. The doorway certainly looks like some kind of alien is about to walk through it.

Jonathan, Wed 1st Aug, 2007, 12:21pm
It looks like something from a horror movie, that bright white! Love this.

milou, Fri 3rd Aug, 2007, 1:13pm
Reminds me to some degree of Martin Parr's series Bored Couples. The fact that they're looking in opposite directions is a bonus!

Download, Fri 3rd Aug, 2007, 1:57pm
Very nice

Jide Alakija, Mon 6th Aug, 2007, 9:23am
What did you rest the camera on? I like it.

Jamey, Mon 6th Aug, 2007, 10:22am
The camera was rested on a chair, hence the lopsided angle 9which I like)

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