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Bits of Things #1

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Untitled #51

Bits of Things #1

Posted on Thu 29th Mar, 2007, 12:15am

ISO: 100, Shutter speed: 1/60, Aperture: f/5,
Camera: Canon EOS 20D, Flash: None, Cropping: None,
Lens: Canon EF 35mm f/1.4L, Focal length: 35mm,
Captured: 26th March 2007, 9:30am,

This was a very random shot but I'm rather fond of how it's turned out. I think I'll do more of this kind of thing.

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benn Grimm, Thu 29th Mar, 2007, 12:22am
Im not a fancy big time photographer, but i think this is "busy", is that the right termonology? Please feel free to chastise my inferior knowledge.

Jamey, Thu 29th Mar, 2007, 12:26am
Really? I thought it was quite minimal... I mean it's only got a bit of a car, instead of a whole one... You can't minimise a car much more than that ;)

Jon Swainson, Thu 29th Mar, 2007, 2:04pm
I like the way the whole thing is made up of triangles. It brings a sense of order to it all.

jt, Thu 29th Mar, 2007, 3:35pm
I agree with Jon. The shapes are nice. It's really clear and sharp. Nice!!!

Jonathan, Thu 29th Mar, 2007, 4:50pm
Nice strong lines all the way through with splashes of colour every where.

Suby, Thu 29th Mar, 2007, 10:23pm
How you doing bro? Been a long while. Suby

Zippy, Fri 30th Mar, 2007, 1:16pm
Love the bold colours and the simple geometries - almost reminds me of a kid's playset!

milou, Fri 30th Mar, 2007, 4:46pm
I also like the angles, the shapes and how the car "jars" as it is mostly round and smooth compared to the other components. Wish I had the eye for this sort of composition.

Sysagent, Sun 1st Apr, 2007, 10:29am
Really angular stuff this aint it Jamey, I am liking the colours all over the shot. Great shot and well done on seeing it.

bink, Mon 2nd Apr, 2007, 7:08am
I like this too. Nice angles and lines and the way it was shot from above, almost like looking down on someone's desk (at least in my brain).

Deceptive, Tue 10th Apr, 2007, 8:13pm
I like all the triangles in the composition, actually the more I look the more I see - fine shot.

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