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Going Nowhere


Posted on Tue 16th Jan, 2007, 5:35pm

ISO: 100, Shutter speed: 15 Seconds, Aperture: f/8,
Camera: Canon EOS 20D, Flash: None, Cropping: Minor,
Lens: Canon EF 35mm f/1.4L, Focal length: 35mm,
Captured: 14th Januray 2007, 5:19pm,

Shot number two from the Brighton trip. With beach photos, does anyone else ever get the feeling that it's hard to put your own stamp on the image?

When it comes to stuff like this, I just feel as though I'm being a conduit - transporting an already-existing scene from my eyes to yours rather than really 'making' a photograph that I can call my own.

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Jide Alakija, Tue 16th Jan, 2007, 5:49pm
Nice colours Jamey. I kinda wish you had the flags only in this one.

Jonathan, Tue 16th Jan, 2007, 7:31pm
Nice and bright and its got that yellow and blue again :)

Tom PH, Tue 16th Jan, 2007, 7:53pm
Yeah what Jide said really. The exposure and processing is perfect, the colours are wonderful but I think there are a little too many focal points.

BobC, Tue 16th Jan, 2007, 8:33pm
Ilike this one too! As Jonathan says, yellow and blue! Presumably you used a flash in these last few pics - if not, what sort of processing have you done?

milou, Tue 16th Jan, 2007, 10:16pm
I think you've answered your own question although it's equally applicable to any scene set before a photographer, rather than just beach or landscape. Everyone will take away something different and this is definitely "one of yours" from the clean, sharp lines to the primary colours. Separation between the life ring and the yellow post would have been ideal but the...

milou, Tue 16th Jan, 2007, 10:16pm
...sequence of colours, from right to left, of yellow, red, red, yellow with the dark post on the extreme left (with just a hint of yellow) seemingly leaning in to join the others is a nice touch. The dark broodiness of the sea hinting at its inherent power also draws me in.

Jamey, Tue 16th Jan, 2007, 11:21pm
BobC - no flash, the foregrounds in today's and yesterday's shots were lit by street lights. And to everyone saying it should only have the flags, I agree. I've got a much more minimal and nicer version which I'm saving for later :)

Jon Swainson, Wed 17th Jan, 2007, 12:39pm
Everything has already been said! I agree about the flags. It still has your usual high standard of presentation though.

Mal, Wed 17th Jan, 2007, 3:19pm
I know what you mean about style/stamp J, but as you have already pointed out there are some images that really will not accept a stamp. I wonder who it was that said to me recently that the mark of a good photographer was to know when to stop fiddling? ;-) Mal

bink, Thu 18th Jan, 2007, 7:09pm
I think this is great as it is. I like the way the three busy flags contrast with the stillness of the posts.

Sysagent, Mon 22nd Jan, 2007, 12:22pm
Yeh the flag comment I can agree with to... Like the lighting and colour contrasts here again.

Kris [PiXistenZ], Mon 19th Feb, 2007, 12:32pm

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