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Untitled #44

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Untitled #45

Untitled #44

Posted on Wed 10th Jan, 2007, 5:22pm

ISO: 100, Shutter speed: 1/30, Aperture: f/2.8,
Camera: Sony Ericsson K800i, Flash: None, Cropping: Square,
Lens: N/A, Focal length: N/A,
Captured: 5th January 2007, 9:49am,

Taken with my phone at East Croydon station. I've got another phone shot (actually it's a triptych) to post tomorrow which I like more but I thought this worked well side-by-side with it so I wanted to get it out of the way first.

I see this guy most days on my way to work.

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Tom PH, Wed 10th Jan, 2007, 5:28pm
Thats an ace expression he's pulling there, and I like the fact he's gripping his umbrella so tightly. Did he run at you and rough you up?

Jamey, Wed 10th Jan, 2007, 5:31pm
I think it's a walking aid as opposed to an umbrella. And no, he didn't run at me :)

Jonathan, Wed 10th Jan, 2007, 6:10pm
Not bad quality for a mobile phone camera...

Jide Alakija, Wed 10th Jan, 2007, 9:03pm
Nice shot Jamey. Did you ask for this shot?

Mal, Wed 10th Jan, 2007, 9:24pm
Are you on talking terms Jamey? At the moment of capture, I get the impression that he is about to tell you off! Mal

milou, Wed 10th Jan, 2007, 9:52pm
I reckon he has a 1DS Mark II in his pocket and the stick is a cunningly hidden monopod.

Andy018, Wed 10th Jan, 2007, 10:55pm
did you ask the guy before taking his picture or did you just walk past turn around and shout "Surprise!" then run off?

Jamey, Wed 10th Jan, 2007, 11:12pm
No, I didn't ask permission. Because it was taken with my phone and not my big camera, I can't honestly say that the guy knew what I was doing tbh.

Jon Swainson, Thu 11th Jan, 2007, 9:23am
He does look like he's about to "go medieval on your ass". Nice candid.

Leese, Thu 11th Jan, 2007, 4:03pm
he's looking at ya as if to say "what the F*!? ru looking at" bless him. nice shot tho :)

Dotun, Thu 11th Jan, 2007, 5:21pm
wow..u used a phone for this? good job

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