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Morning After

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Untitled #42

Morning After

Posted on Tue 19th Dec, 2006, 5:43pm

ISO: 100, Shutter speed: 1/60, Aperture: f/3.2,
Camera: Canon EOS 20D, Flash: Bounced, Cropping: Minor,
Lens: Canon EF 35mm f/1.4L, Focal length: 35mm,
Captured: 17th December 2006, 11:57am,

This is my friend Tae, playing Mini Golf Castles on my phone and it's probably the closest thing to a 'straight from the camera' shot that I've posted. Certainly in recent times, anyway.

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chris, Tue 19th Dec, 2006, 8:20pm
nice detail on the trainer and DOF, looks like he is engrossed in texting, even though he isn't!

Tom PH, Tue 19th Dec, 2006, 11:10pm
Nice perspective/branding going on there Jamey. Its always nice to see alternative/non-conventional portraits of people in there daily routine. More of this please

Dave, Tue 19th Dec, 2006, 11:38pm
Tae has excellent taste in shoes, Stan Smiths forever!!! Great image btw ;-)

Jon Swainson, Wed 20th Dec, 2006, 8:06am
Nice composition and DOF. You've captured that "lounging around" feeling nicely. Very appropriate title.

Dotun, Wed 20th Dec, 2006, 2:59pm
I like your use of DOF for this shot

Leese, Wed 20th Dec, 2006, 4:50pm
I like this shot, I tried doing something similiar the other other day but it didn't turn out as well as this, you have inspired me to give it another go :)

milou, Wed 20th Dec, 2006, 10:43pm
Nice perspective and as Jon says, you've captured the "easy" vibe. Do people say vibe anymore?

deceptive, Sat 23rd Dec, 2006, 8:29pm
Nicely composed again, great dof.

Jide Alakija, Fri 29th Dec, 2006, 3:35pm
noice....really noice!!!!

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