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Zulu #1


Posted on Mon 30th Oct, 2006, 7:23pm

ISO: 100, Shutter speed: 1/60, Aperture: f/10,
Camera: Canon EOS 20D, Flash: Yes, Cropping: None,
Lens: Canon 100mm f/2.8 Macro USM, Focal length: 100mm,
Captured: 23rd October 2006,

Not much to say about this. It's a macro and I played about with the flash until I got the angle how I wanted.

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Jonathan, Mon 30th Oct, 2006, 7:32pm
Looks almost like liquid metal, nice shot and the pink/purple background definately makes it.

M-UK, Mon 30th Oct, 2006, 9:50pm
Nice shot. Did you shoot it on a mirror?

Jamey, Mon 30th Oct, 2006, 11:13pm
Nope, it's just a bottle of bubble bath.

Jon, Tue 31st Oct, 2006, 8:25am
This is great Jamey. Love the colouring.

milou, Tue 31st Oct, 2006, 8:26am
Fab colour and the cell structure (to give it that) is wonderfully defined.

Sysagent, Tue 31st Oct, 2006, 12:13pm
Heh nice one is this a shot for the stocl libary mate?

Jamey, Tue 31st Oct, 2006, 12:31pm
Not at the time, although I may submit it now you mention it.

Jide Alakija, Tue 31st Oct, 2006, 6:34pm
What did you use for this? Fairy liquid?

Jamey, Tue 31st Oct, 2006, 8:58pm
Nope, just normal Tesco bubble bath.

deceptive, Fri 3rd Nov, 2006, 2:53pm
Nice, my kind of photo. Dam difficult photographing bubbles I know, you want to sue a high f no. to keep it all in focus but the dam things are forever popping and moving around which makes it tricky to get a sharp shot. You've done a fine job here, great toning as well.

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