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Back Then #5

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Back Then #6

Back Then #5

Posted on Fri 27th Oct, 2006, 6:11pm

ISO: N/A, Shutter speed: N/A, Aperture: N/A,
Camera: N/A, Flash: N/A, Cropping: N/A,
Lens: N/A, Focal length: N/A,
Captured: N/A,

"Back to good ol' Warner's Holiday Camp in the 1950s. This was how we spent our evenings in the Dance Hall - Drinking, singing, dancing and running around (kids that is).

"From the left - Lovely mum, mum's best friends Edie and Bill (I always called them Auntie Edie and Uncle Bill and Edie is still with us) and again Dad. I Don't know who took the picture. great period clothes and hair-do pic - perms were de rigeur in those days."

- Karole

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Jon, Fri 27th Oct, 2006, 6:28pm
I've been sat looking at this wondering what they would all think to a night out these days. How times have changed.

M-UK, Fri 27th Oct, 2006, 6:51pm
Shame we can't quite make out what they are drinking, would be nice to now if it's a brand a younger generation would recognise.

Karole, Fri 27th Oct, 2006, 6:57pm
I thought that too - I tried zooming in but it was too fuzzy.

stef, Fri 27th Oct, 2006, 7:21pm
what's going on? are you time travelling now?

Jamey, Sat 28th Oct, 2006, 2:21pm
They're drinking "Mann's Cream Label Stout," according to what I can make out on the hi-res.

Jonathan, Sun 29th Oct, 2006, 8:14am
Jamey is the new Doctor Who ;) another nice memory.

Sysagent, Sun 29th Oct, 2006, 5:55pm
I like Uncle Edie's shirt! Good clear image this for the period it was taken in.

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