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Dean #9

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Dean #10

Dean #9

Posted on Wed 27th Sep, 2006, 6:00pm

ISO: 100, Shutter speed: 1/30, Aperture: f/3.5,
Camera: Canon EOS 20D, Flash: Yes, Cropping: None,
Lens: Sigma 18-50mm F2.8 EX DC, Focal length: 18mm,
Captured: 10th September 2006, 7:49pm,

Another shot taken around the streets where he grew up. I quite like how this looks as if he's been superimposed into the shot, even though it's all natural.

By the way, the dark bit on his back isn't poor masking, it's because the flash didn't illuminate that bit. It's the same on the original.

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Dave, Thu 28th Sep, 2006, 3:28pm
Its been fun to watch your 'Dean' shoot unfold. So far I am voting for #8, but your portrait choices have been really cool. Do you have any "happy Dean" shots?

Jamey, Thu 28th Sep, 2006, 4:48pm
Heh, I must confess I didn't direct him as much as I could've but considering the genre (hip-hop) the slightly less happy feel is in keeping with the style. I do need to work on interacting with the subjects though. It's kind of a key skill for portrait work... So the short answer to your question is no :)

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