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Primrose Hill

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Primrose Hill

Posted on Thu 14th Sep, 2006, 6:39pm

ISO: 100, Shutter speed: 1/200, Aperture: f/8,
Camera: Canon EOS 20D, Flash: None, Cropping: Square,
Lens: Canon EF 35mm f/1.4L, Focal length: 35mm,
Captured: 9th September 2006, 4:57pm,

If you've ever seen a film set in London and there was a scene where someone was sitting on a park bench looking out over the city then you'll have seen Primrose Hill.

Despite having lived here all my life I only went for the first time last weekend but I'll definitely go again.

As for why I took this shot, I think I just liked the fact that he was on his mobile with the BT Tower (huge communications hub for London) in the background.

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Jon, Thu 14th Sep, 2006, 7:12pm
I like the silky feel to the sky, the view and the sepia-like style. The guy with the mobile fails to stir any emotions in me though(!)

Jide Alakija, Thu 14th Sep, 2006, 9:33pm
I can almost see the invisible microwaves coming from the BT tower to the mobile. Nice work Jamey.

Dean, Fri 15th Sep, 2006, 8:02pm
Primrose Hill, you say? Right, best get up there this weekend. Lovely shot.

Rich, Sat 16th Sep, 2006, 12:18am
The photo is good, but I feel the guy on the mobile kinda ruins it.

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