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Our Sunrise #2

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Our Sunrise #2

Posted on Tue 20th Jun, 2006, 2:45pm

ISO: 100, Shutter speed: 8 Mins, Aperture: f/8,
Camera: Canon EOS 20D, Flash: None, Cropping: Minor,
Lens: Sigma 18-50mm F2.8 EX DC, Focal length: 18mm,
Captured: 3rd June 2006, 1:56am,

This is Whitby pier, as seen by us after we stumbled out of the pub, back to the B&B to pick up tripods and back down to the beach again.

I'm a little proud of how this has turned out. I think it looks quite good, if I'm honest. The black and white was a last minute thing - I processed it in colour and thought I'd see how it looked mono. Suddenly it jumped out at me so I spent another ten minutes on it in mono and now I love it.

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SysAgent, Tue 20th Jun, 2006, 3:03pm
Aye I have a couple of these type of shots that look good in Mono... The image looks great apart from the very edge of the piers clarity / focus it just looks a bit unclear to me compared to the rest of the shot.

Paul, Tue 20th Jun, 2006, 3:04pm
Time well spent, gorgeous shot!

Jamey, Tue 20th Jun, 2006, 3:10pm
sys - I can see what you mean now, actually. I did my sharpening on a seperate layer and masked off a lot of the pier but I think I should've left the sharpening on the end instead of removing it perhaps. As with yesterday's niggle, I'm at work so I can't experiment now but cheers for pointing it out.

Bex, Tue 20th Jun, 2006, 3:18pm
Ooooh Mills and Boon shot, nice.

kubox, Tue 20th Jun, 2006, 3:39pm
Haha! Mills and Boon - cheeky! Wicked shot mate, got a very dramatic quality about it. The light at the bottom-right could be a little distracting from the overall composition, but really is a top one.

Mark, Tue 20th Jun, 2006, 3:52pm
Nice :-) I'd have been tempted to dodge the highlights on the sand a bit more Jamey...but that is a mere trifle of a thing ;-)

M, Tue 20th Jun, 2006, 3:53pm
Just stunning!

Mark, Tue 20th Jun, 2006, 3:53pm
Oh and I wouldn't bother about the sharpness...I think it works just fine.

jt, Tue 20th Jun, 2006, 4:27pm

Jonathan, Tue 20th Jun, 2006, 6:32pm
Beautiful, good choice in mono as it works really well. Nice.

c2photo, Tue 20th Jun, 2006, 6:52pm
really great photos you have here, this one especially. I love the mist on the water.

JD, Tue 20th Jun, 2006, 10:00pm
Its great :D can't really think what to say about it... haven't got any critical comments? you fancy producing a 1680x1050 version for my desktop?

Pat, Mon 24th Jul, 2006, 1:42pm

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