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Trotters Independent Traders


Posted on Sat 5th Nov, 2005, 12:17am

ISO: 400, Shutter speed: 1/30, Aperture: f/2.8,
Camera: Canon EOS 20D, Flash: None, Cropping: None,
Lens: Sigma 18-50mm F2.8 EX DC, Focal length: 50mm,
Captured: 4th November 2005, 5:50pm,

Went a-wandering round London today and bought a crumpler bag but now I don't like the colour so I want to take it back and order another one off their website. By the time I got there the light was already starting to go so I had a bash at doing some reflection/night type stuff. This was the best of the bunch IMO.

The title is down to my lovely girlfriend who's sitting in bed in my room as I type this. She thought it was a picture of fireworks (you can't see the screen properly from my bed) and looking at it again I liked the idea.

I guess the traffic lights themselves are a bit overexposed but I didn't have time to do a proper selective job with the processing.

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Sierro, Sat 5th Nov, 2005, 1:17am
I *love* the reflection of the lights on the wall there. This is exactly the sort of shot I favour, and hope to catch myself. Nice one!

Ed, Sat 5th Nov, 2005, 5:45am
Nice capture. It turned out really well with the multicolours on the tiles.

milou, Sat 5th Nov, 2005, 5:24pm
Good light - reminds me of the texture on a fly's eye as seen on a macro shot.

bo bo mc booo, Fri 6th Jan, 2006, 4:18pm
scary! made me do a poopsie

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