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The Laughing Postman

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'Can you photograph wind?'

The Laughing Postman

Posted on Wed 2nd Nov, 2005, 9:42pm

ISO: 100, Shutter speed: 1/250, Aperture: f/4,
Camera: Canon EOS 20D, Flash: None, Cropping: Medium,
Lens: Canon EF 50mm f/1.8, Focal length: 50mm,
Captured: 17th October 2005, 1:20pm,

I was wandering along an alleyway to take a few shots of some graffiti and this guy walked past me going the opposite way. He said "I'll have to charge you for taking photos, mate" in a joking voice so I replied "tell you what, I'll take your picture for free".

By which time he had walked past me but I focused on him anyway. I was just about to turn back and get on with the graffiti when he spun around, flung his arms in the air and pulled this face.

It was quite a tricky shot to process because the white buildings in the background overexposed really quickly so I had to fiddle around for a while to get the balance. In an ideal world I would've had fill flash working but you can't really predict moments like this I guess. Just have to shoot and worry about the details afterwards.

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milou, Wed 2nd Nov, 2005, 10:15pm
Wow! Nice one - what a great candid shot. I see what you mean about the bakcground but to be honest to me that helps frame his face [and what a great smile]. Needs more shots of him. Stalk him, stalk him hard ;o

Methy, Wed 2nd Nov, 2005, 10:50pm
I really like this one mate, good job. Thing I like most is that 'spur of the moment' element to it. And yes, this guy has a great smile.

ted, Thu 3rd Nov, 2005, 7:49pm
hehe, it looks set up but not which makes it damn cool did he want a copy of the photo or anything or did he just walk off?

Ed, Thu 3rd Nov, 2005, 7:57pm
Nicely done. I like the exposure. I think it's just right because now you've got a good, strong contrast between the subject and the background.

Jamey, Fri 4th Nov, 2005, 3:24am
Ted - nope. He just wandered off laughing.

bloke, Fri 6th Jan, 2006, 4:20pm
ans i am still laughing now hahahahahaha!

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