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Battle of Trafalgar


Posted on Sat 29th Apr, 2006, 9:48pm

ISO: 100, Shutter speed: 1/160, Aperture: f/2.8,
Camera: Canon EOS 20D, Flash: Fill, Cropping: None,
Lens: Canon 100mm f/2.8 Macro USM, Focal length: 100mm,
Captured: 25th April 2006, 1:46pm,

What better way to counteract yesterday's green-ness than with a touch of red. Well, rather a lot of red.

This is Tony, he's a homeless guy I met in Shepherds Bush the other day. Like Phil, Tony just came up and asked what I was taking pictures of. I asked if I could do a shot of him, he asked to see some ID, I showed him my work pass and bosh. Here's the result.

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Eric, Sat 29th Apr, 2006, 10:29pm
A very nice portrait. If you want the red cast for an artistic effect that's great, but someone showed me a trick the other day. if you go to curves in Pshop and change RGB to red you can pull the red back out of the black hat and the face to get a more accurate color rendition.

Jamey, Sat 29th Apr, 2006, 10:56pm
Yeah, curves are wonderful things. And the curves function in Photoshop's good too :) ...It was intentional, however. I generally start with a 'true' image and then work on that. In this case, I just liked red.

Jonathan Fleck, Sat 29th Apr, 2006, 11:30pm
As I was saying the other day, I really wish I had your confidence to take portraits of random people. I really like the fact that even though this guy was posing for you, it doesn't look like he's posing for you, if you'd not said anything, this could be a from the hip shot.

SysAgent, Sun 30th Apr, 2006, 9:13am
Nice portrait Jamey. Love the stare the guy has he alomost looks like he is made of wax!

Methy, Sun 30th Apr, 2006, 10:43am
Again, I like this one. You should do more portraits and get a proper gallery online. Maybe even do a themed one based on homeless guys in and around London? Not in a patronising manor but homeless guys always have lots to speak about (life experiences ect) and this comes out in photos very easil

Voroshilov, Sun 30th Apr, 2006, 12:03pm
Gotta say, i like your portraits best. They are very good.

JD, Sun 30th Apr, 2006, 12:09pm
I think the red is a little over powering for me, great profile shot tho :)

Jamey, Sun 30th Apr, 2006, 1:39pm
Cheers all. Methy - I'd love to do more portraits but it's the luck of the draw really. I've just had a good couple of weeks for meeting people while I had the camera out. A lot of the time it doesn't go like that.

Jonathan, Sun 30th Apr, 2006, 8:18pm
As he asked you for ID I'm sure he must have thought that he was going to be in a magazine or something similar. Is that why he gave the stern pose, awesome work :)

Jon, Sun 30th Apr, 2006, 11:00pm
Nice picture, you seem blessed with a talent for finding both "these people" and great backdrops.

Jamey, Sun 30th Apr, 2006, 11:40pm
I'm actually amazed that I have any shots like this at all. I'm one of the most sour-faced, miserable-looking people around tbh.

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