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Untitled #4

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Teerts Portrait

Untitled #4

Posted on Thu 20th Apr, 2006, 5:09pm

ISO: 100, Shutter speed: 1/80, Aperture: f/1.4,
Camera: Canon EOS 20D, Flash: None, Cropping: 2:1,
Lens: Canon EF 35mm f/1.4L, Focal length: 35mm,
Captured: 27th March 2006, 7:16pm,

I think this is going to be the last of the New York shots. At least for now. I may revisit them in the future. Once again this is a 'just because' shot so I'll leave it at that.

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chris, Thu 20th Apr, 2006, 5:46pm
i lke the contrasting red and creams and the silhouette is nice

Sysagent, Thu 20th Apr, 2006, 10:38pm
The signs look like they have been superimposed (not a bad thing), the image and the composition of it all is superb though... One thing to improve it just a wee bit crop just a very small section off the bottom (black line) to make it a 100% shot.

Sysagent, Thu 20th Apr, 2006, 10:39pm
oops ignore my cropping suggestion... Thats yer frame aint it. Thats what processing an image for 2hrs does to your eyes.

Jamey, Thu 20th Apr, 2006, 11:02pm

aaron @ moeview.c, Fri 21st Apr, 2006, 2:33am
Very nice. Looks like a clean garage. I love the loneley feeling.

Sierro, Fri 21st Apr, 2006, 10:05am
I like ths. Another that reminds me of Chromasia. The silhouette works well.

Jon, Mon 24th Apr, 2006, 1:16pm
Think I'd have preferred it if the guy had been leaving the frame. Still nice though :)

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