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Raw Materials

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Behind Bars

Raw Materials

Posted on Tue 18th Apr, 2006, 3:40pm

ISO: 100, Shutter speed: 1/200, Aperture: f/4,
Camera: Canon EOS 20D, Flash: None, Cropping: Severe,
Lens: Canon EF 35mm f/1.4L, Focal length: 35mm,
Captured: 22nd March 2006, 11:55am,

I didn't actually intend for this shot to be quite as bright as this. I think I just got carried away.

This was one of those rushed shots where I wish I'd spent a bit more time over the actual photo itself, but sometimes you only realise these things when it comes to the processing.

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chris, Tue 18th Apr, 2006, 3:57pm
nice broad range of colours and textures

Sierro, Tue 18th Apr, 2006, 4:05pm
So what is it? Nice colours though.

Jamey, Tue 18th Apr, 2006, 4:09pm
Heh. Sorry. It's some builders scaffolding/wood type stuff that was by the side of the road in New York.

JD, Tue 18th Apr, 2006, 5:12pm
Nice documentary feel to it, very vibrant. I know what you mean about wishing you had spent more time taking the photo. I myself feel this often I'd have liked to have seen it in its surroundings as well as all the great details this holds :)

Jamey, Tue 18th Apr, 2006, 5:15pm
I originally had some of the background in shot but it wasn't adding anything so I cropped (quite heavily) to this. With more care I might have been able to get some decent framing that kept context but then I probably wouldn'tve been able to push the satuuration as far.

Jonathan, Tue 18th Apr, 2006, 5:52pm
Feels very vibrant and trendy, love stuff like this.

milou, Tue 18th Apr, 2006, 6:07pm
Knockout shot!

Sysagent, Tue 18th Apr, 2006, 6:22pm
Mmm nice....

Jon, Tue 18th Apr, 2006, 9:50pm
Reminds me of Indian spices. Does this mean I'm insane?

Jeannie, Wed 19th Apr, 2006, 4:22pm
I thought it was a box of coloured pencils at first so no, Jon, you're not insane.

Julien [J.R. Phot, Wed 19th Apr, 2006, 6:09pm
really nice colored pattern

Danielle, Thu 20th Apr, 2006, 6:19pm
Really nice shot! I love the colors and textures.

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