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D for David

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Two Way Traffic

D for David

Posted on Wed 12th Apr, 2006, 4:37pm

ISO: 100, Shutter speed: 1/500, Aperture: f/5.6,
Camera: Canon EOS 20D, Flash: None, Cropping: 2:1,
Lens: Canon EF 35mm f/1.4L, Focal length: 35mm,
Captured: 30th March 4:32pm,

This is David, who we chatted to briefly. I think this will be the last shot I post from Coney Island.

What would make this into a perfect portrait would be if he was a school bus driver on his lunch break. I have no idea if he was or not but he did tell us we made a nice couple, which was nice.

The title comes from the fact that I asked him what train we needed to take to get back to where we were going as quickly as possible and he told us. But then I forgot and asked him again just as we were leaving and he said we needed "a D train... D for David."

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Christian, Wed 12th Apr, 2006, 4:51pm
Very fine portrait Jamey. He looks so happy.

Jim, Wed 12th Apr, 2006, 4:58pm
He does look happy :) I was thinking "Its a shame that 'school bus' was cut off by the railing, but then I changed my mind, I like the arch shape it creates and it doesnt draw the attention away from a brilliant expression. Your best life shot in my opinion.

chris, Wed 12th Apr, 2006, 5:04pm
really nice picture and great expression in his face :)

ben Grimm, Wed 12th Apr, 2006, 6:12pm
heh looks like my dad, except for the smile, my dad never smiles

Jonathan, Wed 12th Apr, 2006, 7:30pm
Great expression on the old chap and nice picture quality.

SysAgent, Wed 12th Apr, 2006, 9:25pm
Great portrait Jamey and as said above one of you're best! I also like the blurring you have applied to the background in just the right amount.

milou, Thu 13th Apr, 2006, 8:34pm
This has got to be one of my faves - a real sunny disposition about it from his smile, the sunshine and the yellow of t'bus. Great exposure too!

JD, Fri 14th Apr, 2006, 11:03am
wonderful shot, appologies for not popping by recently (really busy with work :S)... Is this DOF fake?

Jamey, Fri 14th Apr, 2006, 12:20pm
The DOF's natural. Cheers all.

Jeannie, Fri 14th Apr, 2006, 12:50pm
This is truly a brilliant capture!

Kenny, Sun 16th Apr, 2006, 7:17pm
Really cool portrait, nicely done!

Julien [J.R. Phot, Wed 19th Apr, 2006, 6:13pm
excellent portrait, his smile and all these school buses give me the impression that this man didn't loose his children soul

Luisa, Tue 25th Apr, 2006, 3:43pm
The portrait is okay, and the school bus also. What bothers me is the buildings and lamposts that sourrounds his head.

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