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The Unknown

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Afternoon Nap

The Unknown

Posted on Sat 8th Apr, 2006, 5:06pm

ISO: 100, Shutter speed: 1/800, Aperture: f/5.6,
Camera: Canon EOS 20D, Flash: None, Cropping: None,
Lens: Canon EF 35mm f/1.4L, Focal length: 35mm,
Captured: 30th March 2006, 4:04pm,

This is the same wall as yesterday and again I've tried to keep the processing to a minimum, if only to keep me sane.

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chris, Sat 8th Apr, 2006, 5:48pm
i like the textures in this and the writing, and the fact it is just above the blokes head :)

Jonathan, Sat 8th Apr, 2006, 8:44pm
That guy is absolutely perfect walking below the text, and as for the text and the wall... shows perfectly how people never reflect upon their views. Great stuff.

Jonathan Fleck, Sat 8th Apr, 2006, 10:35pm
Doesn't need any more processing. It works well. I'm trying to work out what the text says underneath the word 'imagination' on the right hand side, and the tip of the man's ariel...

Jamey, Sat 8th Apr, 2006, 10:50pm
Even on the hi-res I can only make out one word properly - 'remain'

milou, Sat 8th Apr, 2006, 11:27pm
I think it's pretty important that the text wasn't broken by the figure and that he and it have a "colour relationship" if you catch my drift. As said above, great textures and I love how the seahorse seems to be eye-balling the viewer.

Jon, Sun 9th Apr, 2006, 8:41am
Great shot Jamey. Loads of interest, can't stop looking at it.

SysAgent, Mon 10th Apr, 2006, 2:43pm
Aye tis a good un and the bloke is framed bang on where he is meant to be. I like these peely paint images for some reason.

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