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Who's Got the Keys?

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Who's Got the Keys?

Posted on Thu 16th Mar, 2006, 5:30pm

ISO: 100, Shutter speed: 1/200, Aperture: f/4,
Camera: Canon EOS 20D, Flash: None, Cropping: Minor,
Lens: Canon 100mm f/2.8 Macro USM, Focal length: 100mm,
Captured: 14th March 2005, 2:17pm,

Not much to say about this. I saw an old BMW on my lunch break the other day and took a few snaps.

The couple of people I've shown this to so far didn't like it so I'm expecting it will get much the same response here. Just posting it because I'm rather fond of it, for some reason.

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SysAgent, Thu 16th Mar, 2006, 5:38pm
Umm. Don't know what to say about this un Jamey... It's a car for sure, but it isn't lighting any candles here for me at the moment. Just have a relook.

Jamey, Thu 16th Mar, 2006, 5:45pm
Yeah, fair enough. I guess I only like it because I processed it and saw what it looked like before.

Danielle, Thu 16th Mar, 2006, 5:53pm
Interesting perspective. Might look cool very cropped as an abstract or something. Zoom zoom!

Jamey, Thu 16th Mar, 2006, 5:55pm
Oh... I was going for the cropped/abstract look already... I think I've failed dismally with this shot then. Perhaps I should just remove it from the blog altogether.

ben Grimm, Thu 16th Mar, 2006, 6:05pm
Don't take it down though, its good to see the bad ones next to the good ones, that way it shows a proper history of your work, faliures and all.

ben Grimm, Thu 16th Mar, 2006, 6:07pm
i want my name green, make me green Penchanski

Jamey, Thu 16th Mar, 2006, 6:18pm
Oh so I'm a failure now am I? ;) ...You have to put something in the website field to get a green name. Since you're a no-website having monkey just put Google in or something.

ben Grimm, Thu 16th Mar, 2006, 6:31pm
i didnt mean you was a faliure, but not everyone can take photos all the time and get the high standard that you have had in the past.

ben Grimm, Thu 16th Mar, 2006, 6:32pm
i'm green

Jamey, Thu 16th Mar, 2006, 6:37pm
So now all my successes have been "in the past", have they? Washed up, am I? Liver spots, would you? ...Well you're showing your true colours now young man, I must say.

ben Grimm, Thu 16th Mar, 2006, 6:41pm
i didnt wanna tell you in front of all your buddiy an all, but i think you should stick with the day job

ben Grimm, Thu 16th Mar, 2006, 6:42pm
but compared to that landscape the other day, the car is a bit exchange and mart

Jamey, Thu 16th Mar, 2006, 6:46pm
Oof. Exchange and Mart. Not even Auto Trader, the market leader in used car publications. That cuts deep, homes.

matthew, Thu 16th Mar, 2006, 10:05pm
I actually quite like this, the headlight and indicator lenses are really sharp and I like the way the chrome on the bumper reflects them.

Jonathan, Fri 17th Mar, 2006, 8:53am
I like this shot, love the colour and the composition of the shot. Reminds me of some 70's action series.

SlasherMCT, Fri 17th Mar, 2006, 3:56pm
Yep, I really like it - good colour, crop & composition. Nice One!

Suby, Fri 17th Mar, 2006, 9:03pm
All I see is a car :)

Daniel Stevens, Thu 30th Mar, 2006, 12:24pm
It's my car - Jamey left an intruiging note on the screen with the pic inside. I quite like the pic, but I would say that, wouldn't I? Actually, so does the bloke who sits next to me in the office. I've owned the BMW for five years and it doesn't work at the moment. I need a garage.

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