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Natural Self 2

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Natural Self 3

Natural Self 2

Posted on Fri 10th Mar, 2006, 6:09pm

ISO: 400, Shutter speed: 1/50, Aperture: f/5.6,
Camera: Canon EOS 20D, Flash: None, Cropping: Minor,
Lens: Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6, Focal length: 55mm,
Captured: 23rd October 2005, 5:11pm,

A combination of bad weather and a bad foot has meant that I've not got any new shots to use at the moment so it's back to the archive.

The shot above was taken on the same day as this one. The location was just a random car park in Brighton and the red paint was covering what used to be grafitti on the walls.

I think it's his expression and particularly the eyes that make this shot. As a portrait it fails because it doesn't actually reflect his personality at all. He was very friendly and chatty and this shot makes him look far too intense but I still liked it as a photograph in it's own right.

I've got another shot from the same day that I'll probably post tomorrow.

Oh, and I've added an RSS feed to the photoblog so those of you with RSS readers can make use of it.

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SysAgent, Fri 10th Mar, 2006, 6:40pm
Very nice shot indeed, loving the contrast in colours here. Excellent processing Jamey...

tinxy, Fri 10th Mar, 2006, 7:59pm
Those eyes can't be real!

luce, Fri 10th Mar, 2006, 9:10pm
yep, lovely pic jimjams, but also, phwoaaarh!

milou, Fri 10th Mar, 2006, 9:38pm
There's a Jude Law look about him in this one. Good contrast range. Nice one.

Jamey, Fri 10th Mar, 2006, 11:06pm
LUCE!!! How's tricks? Sorry I missed you when you popped back the other week. I'll owe you a drink.

Jeremy, Fri 28th Apr, 2006, 11:15pm
his eyes are striking in this one. do some dodging?

Jamey, Sat 29th Apr, 2006, 2:17am
The eyes were lightened, yeah. I just used a feathered selection and a curves layer.

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